Readings for Unit 5
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The readings for 6.s090 are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You are free to make and share verbatim copies (or modified versions) under the terms of that license.
Portions of these readings were modified or copied verbatim from the very nice book Think Python 2e by Allen Downey.
PDF of these readings also available to download: 6s090_reading5.pdf
Table of Contents
1) Introduction
As we have learned throughout the course, functions allow us to abstract away the details of a particular computation so that it can be computed multiple times on different inputs. This week's readings will, first, revisit the details of how Python interprets functions with two more examples. In particular, we'll focus on the issue of scoping (deciding how and where Python looks up variable names). Then, we'll discuss the "first-class" nature of Python functions. Finally, we'll introduce some snazzy new syntax.
2) More Examples
To begin, we will step through two complex function examples with environment diagrams. These both build upon the things we learned in unit 4's reading, so you may wish to review those now.
2.1) Calling Functions From Within Functions, Shadowing Globals
First, let's walk through the following piece of (admittedly silly) code:
def f(x):
x = x + y
return x
def g(y):
y = 17
return f(x+2)
x = 3
y = 4
z = f(6)
a = g(y)
Try to use an environment diagram to predict what values will be printed to the screen as this program runs. You can step through our explanation of how this code runs using the buttons below:
2.2) Defining a Function Within a Function
As another example, let's walk through the following piece of code. This piece of code demonstrates a new idea: because function bodies can contain arbitrary code, they can also include other function definitions! Consider the following code:
x = 7
a = 2
def foo(x):
def bar(y):
return x + y + a
z = bar(x)
return z
Try to use an environment diagram to predict what values will be printed to the screen as this program runs. You can step through our explanation of how this code runs using the buttons below:
2.3) A Reminder
If you find these diagrams tedious, we get it... In the end, there's a reason we want computers to be the one doing this, after all; they're much better at these operations than we are, and much faster! So, in the short term, this is tedious. But the long-term benefits are really great! This kind of practice is helpful in building up a mental model of Python's behavior, which is important so that when you encounter unexpected behavior, you can come back to the model. With practice, this kind of thinking will become second nature, and you won't have to draw these diagrams out in such detail.
To motivate why environment diagrams might be useful, let's look at another example of a mystery Python program:
functions = []
for i in range(5):
def func(x):
return x + i
for f in functions:
Now, only once you have made an educated guess above, type this code into your favorite text editor or IDE and run it. Does the result match your expectation? By the end of this reading, we will learn ways to use functions that can 'fix' this program.
3) Functions Are First-Class
We now shift gears to learn about a powerful feature of Python: that it treats functions as first-class objects, which means that functions in Python can be manipulated in many of the same ways that other objects can be (specifically, they can be passed as arguments to other functions, defined inside of other functions, returned from other functions, and assigned to variables). In this section, we will explore how we can make use of this feature in our programs.
3.1) Functions as Arguments
Imagine that you wanted to make plots of several different functions. To do that, you would need to figure out which "y" values correspond to each of a number of "x" values. The following code computes these "y" values for different functions:
import math
def sine_response(lo, hi, step):
out = [] # list of "y" values
i = lo
while i <= hi:
out.append(math.sin(i)) # compute "y" value
i += step # move to next "x" value
return out
def cosine_response(lo, hi, step):
out = []
i = lo
while i <= hi:
i += step
return out
def double(x):
return 2*x
def double_response(lo, hi, step):
out = []
i = lo
while i <= hi:
i += step
return out
def square_response(lo, hi, step):
out = []
i = lo
while i <= hi:
i += step
return out
Now imagine that you wanted the response function to return two lists, one to
represent the input values, and one to represent the output values. Making this
change or changing anything at all about the functions' behaviors, would be a
pain, because you would have to manually change each of the above functions.
However, we can fix this by making a general function called response
which takes a function f
as input and returns the list of f
's outputs over the
specified range:
def response(f, lo, hi, step):
out = []
i = lo
while i <= hi:
out.append(f(i)) # here, we apply the provided function to i
i += step
return out
Notice that, inside of the definition of response
, we call f
, the function that was passed in as an argument. Using response
we could compute the response of our double
function from earlier:
# These two compute the same response!
out = double_reponse(0, 1, 0.1)
out = response(double, 0, 1, 0.1)
When we pass in double
as an argument, we do not put
parentheses after it. This is because we want to refer to the
function itself (which is called double
), and not to any particular
output of the function (which we'd get by calling it, such as in
Note that we could compute responses for all of the functions described above using this new response
sine_out = response(math.sin, 0, 1, 0.1)
cosine_out = response(math.cos, 0, 1, 0.1)
double_out = response(double, 0, 1, 0.1)
def square(x):
return x**2
square_out = response(square, 0, 1, 0.1)
3.2) Function-ception and Returning Functions
Another useful feature is that functions can not only be passed in as arguments to functions, they can also be returned as the result of calling other functions! Imagine that we had the following functions, each designed to add a different number to its input:
def add1(x):
return x+1
def add2(x):
return x+2
If we wanted to make a whole lot of these kinds of functions (add3
, add4
, add5
, ...), it would
be nice to have an automated way of making them, rather than defining
each new function by hand. We can do this in Python with:
def add_n(n):
def inner(x):
return x + n
return inner
This may be a little difficult to understand at first, but what is
happening is this: when add_n
is called, it will make a new
function (here, called inner
) using the def
keyword, and it will
then return this function.
Here is an example of the use of this function (including using it to
recreate add1
and add2
from above:
add1 = add_n(1)
add2 = add_n(2)
print(add2(3)) # prints 5
print(add1(7)) # prints 8
print(add_n(8)(9)) # prints 17
What type is each of the following values?
is afunction
, as with other examples we saw before.add_n(7)
is the result of callingadd_n
as its argument, which will also be afunction
with an argument of9
, and then it calls the result with an argument of2
. This yields11
, anint
, afloat
, afloat
3.3) More Environment Diagrams
The examples above may be a little bit surprising, but we can understand them by working through them using an environment diagram (and even if they aren't surprising, it's important to know exactly what Python is doing under the hood.) Here, we'll look at simulating a piece of the above code using an environment diagram:
def add_n(n):
def inner(x):
return x + n
return inner
add1 = add_n(1)
add2 = add_n(2)
4) Understanding the Mystery Program
Earlier, we looked at the following piece of code as an example of code that is difficult to understand:
functions = []
for i in range(5):
def func(x):
return x + i
for f in functions:
It is somewhat surprising that, despite the looping structure here, when we run
this code, we see five 16
's printed to the screen! Despite the surprising
nature of this example, though, we now have all of the tools we need in order
to make sense of this example and to understand why it behaves the way it
does. We'll walk through an environment diagram to explain this behavior, and
you're strongly encouraged to follow along (and to reach out for help if any of
the steps are unclear!).
We'll start by drawing the diagram just for the first segment of the code
(lines 1-5, where we are building up the functions
list). Again, we
encourage you to try to stay one step ahead of the drawings below (that is, try
to draw out how things will change during each step, then click ahead and
compare your work against our diagram).
4.1) Closures
Now that we've explained the interesting phenomenon from the mystery program,
we'd like to try to "fix" it (presumably, the person who wrote that
code did not intend to see five 16
's, but rather some number that is changing,
i.e., the intent was probably to create five noticeably different functions:
one that adds 0
to its input, one that adds 1
to its input, one that adds
to its input, and so on...). Before we can get there, though, we're going
to introduce one more bit of terminology. This section is not about
introducing a new rule for how function objects behave (we've already covered
all of them, in fact!) but rather a powerful effect of those rules.
Importantly, a function object "remembers" the frame in which it was defined
(its enclosing frame), so that later, when the function is being called, it has
access to the variables defined in that frame and can reference them from within
its own body. We call this combination of a function and its enclosing frame a closure,
and it turns out to be a really useful structure, particularly when we define
functions inside the bodies of other functions (like the add_n
example from
4.2) Fixing the Mystery Code
Using this idea of a closure, we can fix the mystery code from earlier! The
code below resolves the issue (at least insofar as preventing the output from
all of the functions from being identical!) by evaluating i
each time
through the loop and setting up a closure for each of the functions we add
to the functions
list, such that, when each is called, it has access to a
variable storing the value that i
had when that function was created.
def add_n(n):
def inner(x):
return x + n
return inner
functions = []
for i in range(5):
for f in functions:
5) A Note About Aliasing
Aliasing is good! Except when it's not. Be careful of when you want aliases and when you don't.
With multiple frames, aliasing can be trickier to notice (aliases might be in different environments!)
Consider the example below:
def double(nums):
# Given a list of numbers, make a new list that doubles each number
for i in range(len(nums)):
nums[i] = nums[i] * 2
return nums
global_nums = [1, 2, 3, 4]
What will this code output? Why?
[2, 4, 6, 8]
[2, 4, 6, 8]
This may be unexpected that the global_nums changed, but with an environment diagram we can see that the nums variable inside the double function aliases the global_nums list. When we mutate the nums list by reassigning each index, we mutate global_nums as well.
To fix this, we need to create a new list as follows:
def double(nums):
# Given a list of numbers, make a new list that doubles each number
new_nums = []
for i in range(len(nums)):
new_nums.append(nums[i] * 2)
return new_nums
global_nums = [1, 2, 3, 4]
print(double(global_nums)) # [2, 4, 6, 8]
print(global_nums) # [1, 2, 3, 4]
Now because we create new_nums in the local frame, every time we call double a new list is created and modified, and we only use the input nums as a reference without modifying it.
6) Default and Keyword Arguments
For functions we've seen so far, we indicate the arguments by positions. For example, with this function:def divide_twice(a, b):
return (a/b)/b
When we call divide_twice(12,2)
, python knows that a
should be 12
and b
should be 2
because that's the order we defined the arguments to come in.
However, there is another way to pass in arguments, using the name instead of the position. For example, we write the argument name, an equal sign, and the value we want it to take on.
divide_twice(b = 2, a = 12) # this would still be 3
Finally, there's a way to specify a function to have optional arguments. We signify these arguments with a variable name as usual, but we also add an equal sign and a default value. For example, if we wanted our function to have the option of printing the result before returning, we could add the optional argument print_result
def divide_twice(a, b, print_result=False):
answer = (a/b)/b
if print_result:
return answer
Now we can still call divide_twice
like we did before. If we don't specify a value for print_result
it will be False
by default as we indicated in the function definition.
divide_twice(12, 2) # prints nothing since print_result is False
But we can also specify a value for print_result
. For example:
divide_twice(12, 2, True) # this will print 3 since print_result is now True.
It's common practice to use keyword specification for optional arguments because if there are multiple default arguments, it's not immediately clear which ones are being set. For example, we could explicitly show that print_result
is a default argument being set to True as such:
divide_twice(12, 2, print_result=True)
7) Assert statements
So far, we have debugged and tested our programs mainly with print statements. However, Python comes with additional tools to help us test whether our code actually does what we intend.
Assert statements check a conditional statement. If the statement evaluates to True, the program continues as normal, but if it evaluates to False an AssertionError will be raised and stop the program.
>>> assert 5 > 4 # evaluates to True, does nothing
>>> assert 5 < 4
For example, we could test the add_s
function below with assert statements
with the following code:
def add_s(words):
return [word + "s" for word in words]
if __name__ == '__main__':
assert add_s(['can', 'add', 's']) == ['cans', 'adds', 'ss']
assert add_s(['']) == ['s']
assert add_s([]) == []
print("done testing")
While this program only prints done testing
, it also silently checks that the output matches what we expect, saving us from the hassle of manually checking whether the printed output is correct or not.
We can also use assert statements within functions to check that the input is valid:
def square(num):
assert type(num) == float or type(num) == int, f"Expected float or int, got {num} which is of {type(num)}."
return num ** 2
print(square("uh oh"))
AssertionError: Expected float or int, got uh oh which is of <class 'str'>.
Assert statements can slow down programs slightly but are generally good practice, especially for testing and debugging.
8) Generating Graphs with matplotlib
The matplotlib.pyplot
module provides a number of useful functions for
creating plots with Python. In this section we'll go over a few examples of
how to generate different plots.
To import the pyplot
module, add the following to the top of your script:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Once you have done so, you can make a new plot by calling plt.figure()
no arguments. After that, you can use various functions to add data
to the figures. When you are ready, calling the
function with
no arguments will cause matplotlib
to open windows displaying the resulting
graphs. You can also add a legend and/or a title to the plot, as well as
labels to the axes, as shown in the example below.
The following code will cause four windows to be displayed. Try
running the code below on your own machine to see the results. Notice that the
function does not return until the plotting windows are closed.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# here we plot a set of "y" values only; these are associated automatically
# with integer "x" values starting with 0.
plt.plot([9, 4, 7, 6])
# if given two arguments, the first list/array will be used as the "x" values,
# and the second as the associated "y" values
plt.plot([10, 9, 8, 7], [1, 2, 3, 4])
plt.grid() # this adds a background grid to the plot
# we can also create scatter plots. scatter plots require both "x" and "y"
# values.
plt.scatter([10, 25, 37, 42], [12, 28, 5, 37], label='scatter')
# multiple calls to plt.plot or plt.scatter will operate on the same axes
plt.plot([10, 40], [5, 20], 'r', label='a line') # the 'r' means 'red'
plt.plot([5, 9, 15, 30], [10, 20, 30, 35], 'k', label='more data')
# generates 250 random points using a normal distribution
# with a mean of 170 and standard deviation of 10
x = np.random.normal(170, 10, 250)
plt.hist(x, bins=20, alpha = .5) # 20 bins, 50% transparency
plt.hist(np.random.normal(185, 10, 250), alpha = .5)
plt.title('A Histogram example')
plt.xlabel('A label for x')
plt.ylabel('The vertical axis')
# finally, display the results
print('Showing Graphs')
# Note that all figures need to be closed before the program prints Done
Using our graphing skills, we can now finally plot the graphs of the functions we defined earlier:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
def response(f, lo, hi, step):
# given a function f,
# calculate and return a list of x
# a list of and f(x) values
x, y = [], []
i = lo
while i <= hi:
i += step
return x, y
sinx, siny = response(math.sin, 0, 5, 0.1)
cosx, cosy = response(math.cos, 0, 5, 0.1)
def double(x):
return 2 * x
doublex, doubley = response(double, 0, 5, 0.1)
def square(x):
return x**2
squarex, squarey = response(square, 0, 5, 0.1)
plt.plot(sinx, siny, label='sin')
plt.plot(cosx, cosy, label='cos')
plt.plot(doublex, doubley, label='double')
plt.plot(squarex, squarey, label='square')
plt.title('A final example')
plt.xlabel('A label for x')
plt.ylabel('The vertical axis')
Running the code above will produce a graph like the one below:

9) Summary
In this set of readings, we revisited the details of how Python invokes
functions. We also learned the ways in which Python functions are
first-class objects. They can be treated just like any other objects in Python: among other things, they can be passed as arguments to functions and
can be returned as the result of other functions! And we saw assert
, which
can be used to test programs automatically.
In next week's readings, we'll investigate one way to use functions: recursion. And we'll talk about strategies for designing large programs.