Dictionary Map

The questions below are due on Sunday July 14, 2024; 10:00:00 PM.
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Define a function dictmap which takes a dictionary d and a function f as input, and updates d by replacing each value val in the dictionary with f(val), leaving the keys unchanged. Your function should modify d but should not return anything explicitly (i.e. it should return None implicitly by lacking a return statement). You may assume that all of the values in the dictionary are the proper type to be accepted as input into the given function.

For example, consider the starter code below which can be used to test your dictmap function:

def dictmap(d, f):
    Given a dictionary d and function f, mutate the values of the dictionary 
    to be the result of f(val).
    pass  # your code here

def test(func):
    dictionary = {"a":10, "b":-2}
    expected = {"a":100, "b":4}
    def square(x):
        return x ** 2
    out = func(dictionary, square)
    assert out == None, f"Expected out to be None but got {out=}"
    assert dictionary == expected, f'Expected {expected} but got {dictionary}'
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # test for dictmap

Relevant Readings about using functions as arguments.

Relevant Readings about assert.

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