Dictionary Swap
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Write a function swap_keys that swaps two keys of a dictionary when supplied with a dictionary d
, and two keys k1
and k2
. You may assume that your program will only be run with dictionaries that contain both specified keys.
def swap_keys(d, k1, k2):
Returns the dictionary after swapping the values associated with k1 and k2.
d (dict) - a dictionary that will be modified.
k1 (any) - a dictionary key in d
k2 (any) - a dictionary key in d
pass # your code here
if __name__=='__main__':
# test cases -- feel free to add your own!
d1 = {1: "hello", 2: "hi"}
result1 = swap_keys(d1, 1, 2)
print(f"Got {sorted(result1.items())}, Expected={sorted({1: 'hi', 2: 'hello'}.items())}")
result2 = swap_keys(result1, 1, 2)
print(f"Got {sorted(result2.items())}, Expexted={sorted({1: 'hello', 2: 'hi'}.items())})")
# we should be modifying and returning a reference to the same dictionary,
# not creating a new dictionary
print(f"Expected that {d1} == {result1} == {result2}")
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