Unit 6: Recursion and Designing Programs

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1) Readings

Please read this assignment's readings and work through the exercises contained therein.

2) Drills

  1. Ackermann
  2. Recursion in Practice

3) Practice Exercises

All of the below exercises are related. You should write your code for all of them in the same Python file, so that you can reuse helper functions across them. Actively attempt to apply the lessons of program style and design from the readings to these exercises. (You need not use recursion.) The written exercise will ask you to reflect on your design.

You are not expected to use NumPy until the last practice exercise (although you're welcome to do so if you wish).

  1. Toll Lanes: Car Arrival Counting
  2. Toll Lanes: Behavior Hypothesis
  3. Toll Lanes: Simulation

4) Written Exercises

  1. Toll Lanes: Design Reflection

5) Survey

  1. Survey