
The questions below are due on Friday June 21, 2024; 10:00:00 PM.
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For each of the programs below, simulate it by hand using an environment diagram to predict what value will be printed. If you run into issues, first try debugging by hand and then using print statements in Python.
Link to relevant readings:
-- Iteration (all of section 5)

1) Part 1

ids = [3, -5, 1]
i = 0

while i < len(ids):
	ids[i] = ids[-i]
	i += 1

What value is printed?

2) Part 2

word = "summer"
vowels = "aeiou"
out = ""

for char in word:
	if char in vowels:
		char = char.upper()
	out += char

What value is printed?
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