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If you are already familiar with programming in Python, either from previous coursework (approximately one course in the language, or more) or from other experience, we encourage you to consider helping your peers. We offer a couple of ways to help:

  • Informally answer questions from peers in your group.

  • Become a peer mentor! Peer mentor/mentee pairs are encouraged to regularly meet and discuss course content. For mentors, it's an excellent chance to develop teaching and mentorship skills and get to know a peer. For mentees, it's a great opportunity to get help, see how someone else thinks about programming, and get to know a peer.

(Helping your peers in the above ways must still follow the collaboration policies.)

None of the above are replacements for doing the exercises--we think those have value even to those already experienced with Python.

If you have ideas beyond those listed here, we would be happy to discuss them with you!